HTW Berlin, Game Design B.A.
05/2019 to 09/2019
6th semester project
5 team members
Developed with Unity3D
MYMO is a multi-device stress management application. It addresses people who want to document and sort through their daily thoughts, emotions and experiences in a playful context and acts as a motivation for stress management and positive thinking.
In the mobile app the player can write down their thoughts and associate them with an object. The collected objects are synchronized with the player's PC app in which they can exhibit their positive memories in their personal virtual garden environment. Negative thoughts can be released with a swipe in the mobile app.

My main responsibilities in this project were programming both the PC and mobile prototypes and implementing assets together with a team member. I also implemented the connection between PC and mobile app and set up the real-time data transfer by setting up and managing the data base and its funcionality.
I also set up version control for our team using Git and Sourcetree.